The following is a photograph of Flinders station, shot from the sidewalks of
Swanston st. Personally, I feel one of the characteristics of the Station is it’s copper green dome. Converting the photograph to black and white might not have been the best thing to do.
The photograph consist on two elements which complement each other quite well.
The street lights form an implied line that is very mildly diagonal. This helps lead the viewers eye into the photograph. Converting the photograph to a black and white reinforced this implied line by allowing the bright lights to stand out from the dark background. As the eye is guided towards the left, it is stopped by this structure lying just superior to it, that is, flinders station. Despite that, there is a considerable amount of space in the upper third of the photograph that reveals no detail. Shooting at night, one would probably not expect to see much detail in the sky. The photograph could have been improved by recomposing the shot so that the dome of Flinders station were more to the left, and slightly more superior. Then again, A tighter crop could have brought more attention to Flinders station whilst still maintaining the implied lines of street lights.
Settings; spot metering, f/5.6, aperture 1/15…and the focusing was manual (which I thought was on auto-hence why you might notice a slight blurriness)
Post processing: bw conversion via lab color.