Thats it folks. Well not really. If you've enjoyed the works put up here so far, then head over to as all future works will go up on the new blog; dedicated specially to the people and space around me. why a new blog? well, for no specific reason really. I think 100 post is quite a landmark. So the next site will aim for the 1000 mark before anything else changes. -Julius-
I wish for more light, both physical light & ideas. But physical light is dear, and ideas are scarce. but money comes with time, ideas, well..not really. So here I am, seeking it introspectively. I figured what better window into some of my personal space than the place I live in, and the people whom I share it with. Samuel is a soon to be an architect. Maybe I'm being generous. He is a soon to be graduate architecture student. And when the exams draw close, the entire living room turns into his space. He uses space, to create space, and then looks for more space. I guess architecture wouldn't survive without space, its abundance or the lack of it. -JC